
I am absolutely honored to be nominated by polysingleish for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”! …which probably means I should stop making excuses to myself about not having enough time and get on with it!

Very Inspiring Blogger Award 2013

According to the rules, I should write seven pieces of trivia about myself:

  1. Even if I stare at a point directly in front of my nose, I still have a greater than 180° field of vision.
  2. I proved to my parents that they were really Santa, The Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy.
  3. I learned Cantonese fluently from my school friends… and don’t even remember that I could ever speak it.
  4. I have a talent for finding win-and-annoy-everyone-else loopholes in board game rules.
  5. I have the opposite talent for bureaucracy and get easily tangled in very persistent and sticky red tape.
  6. I can stick my toes in my ears.
  7. My nipples are in no way, shape or form connected to the erotic centers of my brain.

I should also nominate other blogs that I think are deserving of the award:

  1. SoloPoly
  2. polysinglish (this is probably cheating a little, but I definitely would have nominated her anyway)
  3. LessWrong

…that’s about it. I don’t read many blogs. Though just on the topic of plugging, I would recommend the following shows:

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