I’m Back

It’s been about 7 years since my last post, but I’m back. What happened to me? I started a business and it took up so much of my time and energy that I couldn’t keep up posting here. Then of course COVID-19 hit and due to lockdowns, I wasn’t allowed to open my business, but…

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Kind rejection

It felt so good! It was her boundary being expressed… and in that moment, I felt more connected with her than if she had bared her breasts for me.

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Personally Impersonal

I am not just rejected, but my very presence is rejected […] my existence is not even worthy of acknowledgement.

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Futility of Bans

People simply exist. Traits simply exist. Just accept the wide variety that is humanity and let the diversity work to our advantage.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the Nomad shifts. Patrolling the festival grounds checking up on people, making sure that everyone was okay and ensuring the area was safe was just my cup of tea.

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I look forward to seeing myself once I emerge out of the cocoon and spread my newly formed wings.

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